
About Equifest

The show will run from Wednesday 6th August to Saturday 9th August 2025 at Arena UK, Allington, Lincolnshire, NG32 2EF.

Competitors may camp onsite in designated areas.  There is a £20 charge to park on the showground for caravans, mobile homes and for horseboxes used for human accommodation that have NOT been used to transport horses to the show.  Car parking is available in the public car parks free of charge.

Competitors can become annual Equifest members and receive discounted entry fees, members area stabling and early access to the showground.

Limited electrical hook ups can be booked via Entry Master on payment of the appropriate fee.

Any changes to the timetable or schedule will be published on this website – Please check this carefully BEFORE setting off for the Show.

Mounted riders and in hand horse handlers must wear their back number at all times.

Equifest Office Opening Hours

10am – 4pm Monday – Friday. 
Telephone: 01487 780000 

If there is no reply to the phone, please email: or and we will get back to you as soon as possible.  We may not always be able to answer the phone due to the very small staff numbers we have working on Equifest.

Competitor Information

Click the links below to download each document. 

Results 2024

Mark Sheets 2024

Thursday 1st August 2024
Friday 2nd August 2024
Saturday 3rd August 2024
Sunday 4th August 2024

Equifest Membership

Annual membership applications can be purchased via Entry Master.  Please click here.  Membership for Equifest runs from the 1st January – 31st December.

Equifest Championship Qualifiers

Competitors may qualify for Equifest from the 1st August – 31st July and can enter any championship class that they qualified for as long as they have their signed and dated Equifest Qualification card.  

1   Equifest In Hand Mountain & Moorland 
2   Equifest Ridden Mountain & Moorland  
3   Equifest Lead Rein Mountain & Moorland 
4   Equifest First Ridden Mountain & Moorland
5   Equifest Junior Ridden Mountain & Moorland
6   Equifest Mountain & Moorland WHP – NEW for 2025 – classes will be divided by size of fences NOT height of pony.
7   Equifest Show Ponies Lead Rein 
8   Equifest Show Ponies First Ridden 
9   Equifest Ridden Show Ponies 
10 Equifest Show Hunter Ponies Lead Rein 
11 Equifest Ridden Show Hunter Ponies
12 Equifest Working Hunter Ponies – NEW for 2025 – classes will be divided by size of fences NOT height of pony.
13 Equifest Ridden Small Hunters 
14 Equifest Ridden Hunters
15 Equifest Working Hunters 
16 Equifest Young Riders Horse (Formerly Intermediate SRT / SHT)
17 Equifest Ridden Hacks 
18 Nupafeed Riding Horses 
19 Nupafeed Ridden Cobs 
20 Equifest Maxi Cobs 
21 Equifest Re-Trained Race Horses 
22 Equifest Ridden Part Breds 
23 Equifest In Hand Veterans – NEW for 2025
24 Equifest Ridden Veterans 
25 Equifest In Hand Piebald / Skewbalds 
26 Equifest Ridden Piebald / Skewbalds 
27 Equifest In Hand Riding / Hunter Ponies 
28 BRHH Eversley Ridden Heavy Horses 

 Any suitable sized rider may now compete in Show Pony, Show Hunter Pony & Working Hunter Pony classes at Equifest affiliated shows – unless the show rules state otherwise.  Please note that if shows are also affiliated to BSPS / NPS  / UKPH their rules will take precedence and age restrictions will apply.  We will be monitoring rider sizes in all classes at Equifest and the 20% rider / horse weight ratio will apply – so please ensure that the rider for all classes is of a suitable size.  

Online Entries

Entries for 2025 will open in April 2025.
Competitors can enter classes online via Entry Master
Please click here for link to entry database.
If you have not used Entry Master before you will need to set up an account and password first and then follow the instructions below:
 1. Please add details of all “People” (Owners & Riders) and then “Horses / Ponies” before doing your entries.  
2. Then click on “Enter Events”.  This will take you in the entry database.  You can search for classes either by the name of the class or the class number.  (i.e. if you type in “novice” all novice classes will show up).  
PLEASE NOTE: You can put all of the classes for one horse / pony on the same line.  
3. If you have multiple horses / ponies to enter, then please click “add entry” and then select the name of the new horse / pony and add entries.  
4. If you want to trigger the members discount, please ensure that you choose membership and pay for this before doing your entries.

Entries will close at midnight on 17th July.  They will then re-open at SHOW PRICES until the 28th July.  After this time all additional entries will  have to be made at the show office.  

Stable Booking

Stables can be booked online via Entry Master. Competitors must book at least one class per horse in order to book stables. Stables are £150 for the duration of the show or £55.00 for one night (5pm on the night until 4pm the following day).

You must bring with you the confirmation of your stable booking that was sent with your competitor numbers and the completed stable voucher (enclosed with the exhibitor’s information) and present this to the Stable Manager. Please give the name that the stables have been booked in.

Day stables must be vacated by 4.30pm on the day following the booking.  Please ensure that you leave the stable clean and fit for the next occupant.

The perimeter gates will be closed at 10pm each evening so anybody who arrives after this time MUST phone the Stable Manager on 07572 600922 and make prior arrangements.

Please do NOT phone the Stable Manager before the show starts. 

A £20 clean box charge will be made for all stables. Please bring cash which will be refunded providing the stable is left clean.

For those booking stables at Equifest, Arena UK only permits shavings or wood based bedding materials to be used.


There is a shop located near the food court selling a range of everyday essential food and drink items.

Opening Hours

Thursday – Sunday
7am to 6pm

Prize Money Collection 2025

All prize money MUST be collected from the show office PRIOR to departure from the show.  The Show Office will be open from 7am – 6pm daily.  Prize money not collected from the Show Office before departure from the show will be forfeited.  NO prize money will be sent out after the show.  Prize money won during the Evening Performances (ONLY) will be awarded in the classes.  Competitors must bring their prize card with them when collecting their prize money.

Show Catalogues

Catalogues are available to purchase for £12. The catalogue contains £12 worth of vouchers. There are 4 vouchers for £2 off late entries and 4 vouchers for £1 off entry class changes.

Change of Class and Additional Entries

We will take change of classes at the Equifest Show Office for an amendment fee of £5.00.  Additional entries can be made at the show from catalogued entries only.

Show Opening Hours

Monday 4th August 2025

12pm – 10pm
Early Arrival Passes only

Tuesday 5th August 2025

9am – 10pm
2pm – 6pm
Trade Stands

Wednesday 6th – Saturday 9th August 2025

Gates Open
Trade Stands/Exhibitors open & Show Start.
Trade Stands/Exhibitors close & Show Close.

Show Photographers

Jordan Brooking Photography

Indoor Arenas, Outdoor Surfaces and Grass Rings

Vehicle Passes

Competitors and their supporters can purchase additional car or caravan passes on arrival at the showground from the show office.

Only exhibitors who have pre-booked stables will be admitted to the Stabling areasPlease note: All stable areas and vehicle passes are colour coded – follow the signs to the correct area.  Cars not towing a horse trailer and caravans will only be permitted onto the showground if they have a valid vehicle pass.  No vehicle will be allowed to drive around the showground between the hours 8.00am – 6pm.

Day Box Parking

Competitors who have not booked stables will be parked in the day box parking area and should use Gate A.

Day visitors do not require vehicle passes as they will be directed to park in the Day Box car park.

Emergencies - Fire, Medical, Security and Lost Children

The emergency phone number is: 07572 600719. This will be posted around the stabling areas and on buildings around the site.  Please use this number for emergency use only.  State the nature and exact location of the emergency and remain there until assistance arrives.

Catering, Bars and Shop

Public catering will be provided by Arena UK’s restaurant and café together with a chocolate fountain and caterers selling doughnuts, ice cream pizzas, noodles, fish & chips, vegan food, hamburgers etc. 

On site licensed public bars will be open. Please note that it is an offence for individuals under the age of 18 to knowingly consume alcohol on licensed premises. No alcohol may be purchased by or for under-aged individuals from any of the licensed bars on site. 

An on site shop selling daily consumables is located near to the food court.

Exercising of Horses and Ponies

Competitors can use any of the collecting rings or grass areas to exercise their horses and ponies. All riders exercising horses must wear their competitor number at all times whilst mounted.

Showing rings and indoor arenas may not be used at any time except for timetabled classes.

Smoking Policy

Smoking is not permitted in any of the stable areas, indoor arenas or public buildings including toilet and shower blocks. Smoking is not permitted on the showground by mounted riders.


Ground and coal based BBQs are NOT allowed on the showground under any circumstance.  Gas BBQs are permitted but they must be waist height and preferably stood on a fire retardant base.  Fitted catering equipment in the horsebox is acceptable.  It is the responsibility of all exhibitors to bring with them a properly serviced fire extinguisher suitable for gas and electrical fires.

Electric Hook Ups

Hook ups are only available in the Blue, Members and Sponsors stabling areas.  All Hook ups in the Blue stabling areas will be provided by generators.  Hook ups in the Members and Sponsors areas will either be either permanent hook ups on hard standing or will be provided by generators on grass. The generators are near silent and will operate continuously throughout the show.

Please report to the Stable Manager with your confirmation letter showing the number of hook ups that you have booked.  You will then be issued with a Hook Up pass which must be displayed in your vehicle and you will be directed to your hook up.


Privately owned generators are permitted in the stabling / parking areas but in consideration of other exhibitors, please ensure that they are turned off by 11.00pm.


For reasons of safety and to prevent nuisance, dogs can only be permitted on the Showground whilst on a lead.  Exhibitors MUST clean up after their dogs.  Any person found to disregard this rule will be fined.  Lost dogs will be compounded and will not be released until a payment of £20 is made.  All payments will be donated to an animal charity of our choice.  Dogs must be kept under control at all times whilst on the showground.

Bikes and Scooters

In the interest of safety NO BIKES OR SCOOTERS (except mobility scooters) are permitted on the showground at any time.

Mobility Impaired Visitors

A local company – Prime Comfort – are suppliers of mobility scooters to events at Arena UK.  If you need to book a mobility scooter please contact 01476 560044. Please note – only the person who has hired the scooter may drive the scooter around the showground.  Privately owned scooters are permitted – but they may only be driven by the person who owns the scooter.  No person under 18 years may drive a scooter at any time.  All scooters must be covered by third party insurance. 

Please note – we are not able to charge scooters at the show office so anybody hiring a scooter must make their own arrangements.

Water & Horse Washing Facilities

Please note – there are no taps for filling up horsebox water tanks on site so please ensure that your tanks are filled up before arriving at the showground. 

There will be drinking water provided for horses in all stabling areas. 

There are no horse wash areas at Arena UK, so please bring buckets and sponges with you.

Fodder Shop

Arena UK’s fodder shop is located by the stable manager’s office on entry to the showground.

There is no need to pre-order. Order your fodder requirements on arrival. Cash or card only.

2024 Prices: 

Shavings                 £12/bale
Small Hay              £10/bale
Small Haylage       £12/bale
Medium Haylage  £55/bale
Large Haylage      £75/bale  (weighs approx 100kg)

Equine Welfare

Under the Animal Welfare Act (2006), the Animal Health and Welfare (Scotland) Act 2006 and Welfare of Animals Act (Northern Ireland) 2011, (hereafter referred to as The Welfare Acts) every horse owner or those responsible for a horse have a duty of care to ensure the animal’s well-being. Thus, causing suffering and ill treatment are no longer the only grounds for prosecution under animal welfare law. It is now an offence to fail to take adequate steps to ensure a horse’s welfare, even if the animal is not yet at the point of suffering. In particular, please note the following regulations:

WELFARE ACTS – Under the Welfare Acts the parents / guardians of children under 16 years old are responsible for the welfare of their children’s horses/ponies.

HEALTH & HYGIENE – The spread of equine disease is a perpetual risk when attending shows. Horse owners should act responsibly and not attend a show if there is a disease outbreak at their yard, even if the horse / pony taken to the show does not appear ill. This is because some diseases have an incubation period of 14 days. For more information and guidance, please refer to the information available on the BHS website and British Equestrian website.

VISIBLE BLOOD – On rare occasions a horse / pony may injure itself traveling, being worked in or competing, or blood may be noticed from the mouth or nostrils or other parts of the animal’s body. In these circumstances the competitor should not compete or cease competing and get their horse / pony checked as soon as possible. The animal should be treated and where necessary the person responsible for the horse / pony should seek veterinary advice and attention to ensure the animal can travel home or continue to compete in further classes on the day.

EQUINE OBESITY – must be avoided and all horses / ponies exhibited should be fit for purpose for the event or class they are competing in. Having a horse / pony which is obese is extremely detrimental to its welfare and animals carrying too much fat are at a significantly increased risk of developing serious health and welfare issues

SENSORY WHISKERS – are the hard hairs located on the horse’s muzzle and around the eyes, also known as ‘whiskers’ that are used for sensation. It is recommended that horses should not have whiskers trimmed or removed (other than for veterinary purposes or with a vet’s certificate). Brood Mares, foals and youngstock should present with no evidence of whiskers or sensory hairs having been removed.

UNATTENDED HORSES – No horse should be left unattended unless they are in a stable, horsebox/trailer and known to behave sensibly when ordinarily left in such a situation.

TYING UP OF HORSES – For safety reasons horses or ponies should not be left unattended tied to a horsebox/trailer at any time.

WORKING IN OF HORSES / PONIES – The amount of work the horse undertakes should be in accordance with its age, experience, and fitness.

SUITABLY MOUNTED – Any animal ridden anywhere on the showground, rings or lorry parks (day or night) must be only ridden by a rider whose size and weight does not compromise the animal’s welfare.  We are operating under the 20% rider weight guideline where the rider in full riding attire with tack must be less than 20% of the animal’s bodyweight.  This is based on a relatively fit, healthy animal as an overweight animal is also a welfare concern.  Welfare Officers, appointed by Equifest, will be monitoring the Equine areas and have the power to ask riders deemed too large to dismount.

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